даль: проекты эльтавского леса и набережной каспия
В этой статье: первое в Махачкале соучаствующее проектирование, гастрогид по городу, перелётные пути птиц на берегу Каспийского моря и место для плова в Эльтавском лесу.
Махачкала: контекст
Порт-Петровск современная идентичность
«Махачкала - лоскутное одеяло. Разнообразие лоскутов из которых состоит Махачкала, есть ее особенность. Важно не потерять это шарм!»
жительница города
на первом проектном семинаре
Набережная Каспийского моря
To differentiate that role from that of "key" modeling when a modeling source moves behind the object, it is typically called a "rim" or "accent" light. In portrait lighting, it is also called a "hair" light because it is used to create the appearance of physical separation between the subject's head and background.
Главная ценность этого места – доступ к морю! ...это место единения – здесь и семьи, и спортсмены, и будет такое место, где будут и туристы.
Steve Jobs
Apple CEO
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To differentiate that role from that of "key" modeling when a modeling source moves behind the object, it is typically called a "rim" or "accent" light. In portrait lighting, it also called a "hair" light because it is used to create the appearance of physical separation between the subject's head and background.
Эльтавский лес
A typical studio lighting configuration will consist of a fill source to control shadow tone, a single frontal key light to create the highlight modeling clues on the front of the object facing the camera over the shadows the fill illuminates, one or more rim/accent lights to create separation between foreground and background, and one or more background lights to control the tone of the background and separation between it and the foreground.
There are two significant differences between natural lighting and artificial sources. One is the character of the fill and the other is a more rapid fall-off in intensity. In nature, skylight fill is omni-directional and usually brighter from above. That "wrap around" characteristic is difficult to duplicate with a directional artificial source.